"Ma iti ma rahi ra rapa te whai | Together we will achieve"
Community Connectors
Our Community Connectors work with our community to provide assistance and offer direct support connection with the right people, places and organisations who work collectively to ensure whānau live happier and healthier lives.
Whether you need support with your wellness, employment or would like to plan aspirational whānau goals, our Community Connectors are here to connect you with the right people by forming a bridge between health and social services. This bridge will help the team to support whānau between agencies and providers ensuring they don’t get lost in the system.
As connectors, our team have easy access to iwi providers, pasifika groups, non-government agencies, and other community providers, and have the skills and means to provide adequate support to whānau on their journey to a healthier and happier life.
Our Community Connectors are based at the WRHN office with access to their services done via a health professional, an MSD caseworker or self-referral by simply contacting them directly.