"Ma iti ma rahi ra rapa te whai | Together we will achieve"
Healthy Homes
We are committed to supporting whānau to be able to live in dry healthy homes because living in a warm dry home can help to improve the overall health outcomes for whānau!
Our Healthy Homes team work to support families, both renters and owner occupiers with the resources, support and advice they need to ensure they are able to live in a warm, dry, healthy home. Every whānau need is different which is why we tailored to the specific needs of the whānau we work with.
Our initiative, established by Te Whatu Ora - Health NZ in 2013, focuses on providing support to low-income families with children/tamariki who live in cold, damp and mouldy homes. Since its inception, the program has expanded nationwide, aiming to address these pressing issues across the country.
Here's how it works: we collaborate closely with various community organisations, government agencies and hospitals to establish referral partnerships. These partners refer families in need to us, and from there, we conduct thorough home visits to identify and address the root causes of their home's issues contributing to the unhealthy environment. Our team then assists these families in accessing interventions such as insulation, curtains, bedding, minor repairs, floor coverings, ventilation, and heating sources, among others.
Under the healthy homes initiatives, eligible whanau will receive a home visit after being referred to us. What this entails is a korero with the whanau and to conduct a home assessment to determine the causes and possible remediation of the cold, dampness and mould within the home. We also refer to MSD or Kainga ora when needed, as well as advocate on behalf of the whanau to the landlord if required.
These are some of the interventions whanau may receive:
• Education(Easy tips on how to maintain a healthy try homes)
• Beds
• Blankets
• Bedding
• Curtains
• Heaters
• Mould kits
• Draught stoppers
• Minor repair and maintenance
• Home insulation
To be eligible, whanau must reside in the Whanganui region, one household member must be a NZ permanent resident or citizen and the whanau must be low-income( we can determine this if they’re uncertain).
Our team can assist you towards getting the support you need.
If you would to talk to someone please contact our team at reception@wrhn.org.nz
To download and complete the WISE Healthy Home Referral Form, click here