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Cervical Screening Pop-up Clinic a success in Marton

Updated: Feb 2, 2022

COVID-19 has been such a huge focus over the past few months and with our various other health partners working hard to push COVID-19 messaging, it has paved the way for us at WRHN to concentrate on other important aspects of health and wellbeing such as health screening.

2022 has kicked off with a hiss and roar for the Manaaki Te Whānau team continuing to assist our new nurse practitioner Amy Hina to establish health clinics in the wider rohe. The first for the year was a Cervical Screening clinic which was held in partnership with Te Kotuku Hauora, Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa and our member practice Stewart Street Surgery on Wednesday 26th January at Te Poho o Tuariki. In addition, a Rangatahi Gala was also held at Te Poho o Tuariki on the same day which was hosted by the rangatahi teams at Te Oranganui and Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa.

The WDHB Health Bus, which has been all over the region as the COVID-19 vaccination bus was the base for the cervical screening where Amy and her team of nurses completed the cervical screening for 29 ladies.

One of the ladies who sat in line waiting mentioned that she hadn’t had a smear in close to 18 years but made the effort to head down to the clinic after conversations with work colleagues who were also keen to head along. “I was just too lazy to make the effort to get it done, but I’ve got 7 mokopuna and 1 on the way so need to do everything I can to make sure I’m around to watch them grow up,” she said.

With the success in Marton this week, plans are now underway to hold a similar clinic at Raetihi in partnership with Ngāti Rangi in the coming weeks.

We want to commend Sue Hina and the Manaaki Te Whānau team for their ongoing mahi and support of all kaupapa Hauora that WRHN engages in and we look forward to sharing more about what they’ve been up to throughout the year.



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