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Health Pathways - a clinician's tool

HealthPathways is an online tool designed to support local clinicians at the point of care with assessment, management and local service request information for over 550 conditions. Our team work hard to localise pathways, to ensure there is an agreement between primary and secondary care on how to manage different conditions within our Rohe.

Just recently, our kaimahi organised a workshop for our Whanganui & Midcentral Community HealthPathways programme – this was a fantastic opportunity to connect as a wider team (programme support, clinical editors, leadership from Te Whatu Ora Whanganui/Midcentral/National, WRHN and THINK Hauora) and to celebrate the great success over recent years. Once again, this shows the pivotal role that HealthPathways has in connecting teams locally, regionally and nationally.

We strongly encourage all our kaimahi to learn more about our health pathways programme here: HealthPathways Whanganui & MidCentral (



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