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Stone Soup Serves Up New Playground

Kei mahi tahi tatou mo te hapori hauora. Aa me ki he aha te mea nui o te ao, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.!!


Come rain, hail, or shine - Stone Soup was determined to celebrate their much-anticipated announcement with the Lorenzdale park. Despite the unpredictable weather, our spirits remained high as we gathered at Lorenzdale Park on April 13th to mark the completion and opening of its newly redeveloped playground.


The highlight of the day was undoubtedly our Whanganui Hauora representation being one of the largest roopu on the playground which were, Gonville Health with Kayla, Lu, Tracey, Mistie, and Katy, alongside the Whanganui Regional Health Network represented by Sue, Katrina, Naomi, and Mere. We were joined by invaluable collaborators from Public Health, that consisted of  Bruce, Mary Ann, Dipti, and Sam. Together, we provided essential health services such as blood pressure checks, vaccinations, HPV screenings, smears, gout and Hep C testing, all while engaging with our hapori/community to promote well-being and understanding the needs of our whanau along with GP enrolments, quality improvement ideas and the introduction of digital health.


Our approach of collaboration and community engagement definitely flowed throughout the Stone Soup celebrations, as whanau expressed their gratitude of appreciation. During that time, we demonstrated our commitment to the Pae ora principles and ensuring we are building a relationship with our hapori/community. Together, we continue to tirelessly work towards a healthier, more resilient, and empowered future for all. 


In essence, this gathering showcased our dedication to the well-being of our hapori/community, driven by the understanding that true significance lies in the people we serve. Through collaboration and engagement with our whanau, we are forging a path towards a brighter and more empowered future for our whaanau through their voice to initiate share hauora actions. Once again kei te mihi, kei te mihi, kei te mihi nui kia tatou i te whaanau..  I appreciate all the mahi we were able to achieve during our weekend together. Mauri ora!!



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