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Taihape Health Community Notice

Taihape Health is making some changes as part of our Covid-19 Management Plan.

These changes are necessary to help control the spread of infection both in the community and in our staff.

The aim of these measures is to prevent people with infectious symptoms from coming into the Health Centre without taking the necessary precautions.

When you telephone for an appointment the reception staff will ask the following screening questions:

  1. Do you have any cough, cold or Flu ‘symptoms (runny nose, cough, sore throat, fever, diarrhoea or vomiting)?

  2. Have you had contact with any positive covid 19 cases?

  3. Have you travelled into any of the regions where there is an out-break?

Please consider also if your appointment could be managed over the telephone or video link. Both these options will incur the normal charges.

Patients with symptoms will be given an appointment during the late morning Respiratory clinic. They will be asked to remain in their cars and a doctor or nurse will see them in the car park.

The doctors and nurses will be wearing full PPE.

Patients can call or text 021 139 6006 to tell reception they have arrived.

Wherever possible you will be assessed in the car, however, if necessary, you can be seen in our isolation room at the rear of the Health Centre.

Patients presenting for swabs are also asked to wait in their cars and text or telephone 021 139 6006 to let us know you have arrived.

People who are entering the Health Centre are reminded to scan in, hand sanitise and wear a mask. We have masks available and visors if you are unable to wear a mask.

All patients with an individual email address are encouraged to register for Manage My Health – this provides access to some of your medical records and may save you unnecessary trips or telephone calls to the Health Centre.

When we start getting positive covid cases in our community, they will mostly be isolating in their own homes so now is a good time to think about how you would do this and start preparing.

We will be posting more information on this as we go but in the meantime stock up on paracetamol and nurofen, tissues, rubbish bags and cleaning equipment.

Please get vaccinated and stay safe.


The team at Taihape Health



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