"Ma iti ma rahi ra rapa te whai | Together we will achieve"

taihape rural health centre development project
Otaihape Health Board Trustee representatives, along with Mōkai Pātea leaders and CE Whanganui Regional Health Network have been working on collectively progressing the intent to transform the Taihape Hospital Campus to one that is vibrant, and is occupied by a wide range of health and social providers that the community needs now and for the future and that they work well together.
Core to the success of this venture is to work alongside WDHB to negotiate a lease agreement that is low risk for the Trustees who will be the lessor and affordable for the range of tenants who wish to occupy space. While Mōkai Pātea and Taihape Health Ltd (health service provider) will occupy the majority of space in the Health Centre, there will be plenty of space for other businesses.
Project Development Updates

our story
Collaborative Aotearoa Conference
In August 2023, Judith MacDonald (Whanganui Regional Health Network) and Piki Te Ora Hiroa (Mōkai Pātea Services) attended the Collaborative Aotearoa Conference in Wellington where they gave a presentation about ‘True Partnership in Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi’.
Their presentation provided context to the Taihape Health Centre Development and how our partnership between Iwi and Health has been forged in high trust.
The presentation slides have been attached for anyone who in interested in reading more about the meaningful relationship that Iwi and Health have established as well as the journey we’re undertaking for the benefit of whānau in Taihape.